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  The importance of human gestures has been greatly uderestimated. Students of linguistics are everywhere, and the analysis of human languages is a widely accepted scientific subject, but the gesture specialist is a rare bird indeed ― not so much a vanishing species, as one that has hardly yet begun...
   Toward the end of her stay in Tokyo Mother sometimes caught colds and took to bed for a day or two, which made the family think she was finally yielding to old age. But after she moved back to the village this did not happen any more. Her color improved so much that she looked like a different pe...
   At that time I was too young for some of the troubles I was having, and I had not yet learned what to do with them. It no longer can matter what kind of troubles they were, or what finally became of them. It seemed to me then there was nothing to do but run away from them, though all my tradition...
  When you approach your confrontation in a gentle manner, it not only produces more effective results, but it keeps your own stress level down as well. In other words, a gentle spirit is a relaxed spirit, even when it has to do somehing that is normally considered difficult. There is something very...
  The young setter's cheerfulness did cause him to leap at people and other dogs. But this leaping was done as part of a greeting. He simply wanted to touch noses with those tall two-footed dogs that we call humans, and the only way to reach their nose was to jump up. To make sure that this would no...
   The way in which the national government is organized in the United States Constitution provides an excellent illustration of the American suspicion of government power. The provisions of the Constitution are more concerned with keeping the government from doing evil than with enabling it to do g...
   Getting along with people is a necessity if one is to live in a civilized world. There is no place where a child can learn this better than through play. Contacts with other children in school are so limited and so regulated by rules that most children have little time to associate with other chi...
  I have seen a boy of two years old, who had been kept in London, taken out for the first time to walk in green country. The season was winter, and everything was wet and muddy. (1) To the adult eye there was nothing to cause delight, but in the boy there sprang up a strange ecstasy; he kneeled in ...
   The fact that language can be used to express our thoughts gives rise to some interesting questions. How are language and thought related? Can we think without language? Is our thinking molded by the structure of our language? These are very difficult questions, questions that we cannot hope to a...
   All things considered, it certainly look as if catalog shopping will become a very important part of the Japanese economy in the years to come. 単語・熟語 all things considered     : すべてを考慮に入れると、あれこれ考え合わせると  certainly: 確かに、間違いなく catalog shopping     : カタログ・ショッピング、カタログによる通信販売  it looks as if 〜 ≒ it lo...
