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   But I grew up, as many of us did, in a household where we changed the sheets and towels every single week no matter what, so I had some difficulty reducing the frequency with which we laundered the linens.
   Fortunately, my younger stepson, Eric, who had recently graduated from college, gave me some sage advice. He said, "Elaine, relax. I went for four years without changing the sheets."
   The drought forced us to change the way we had always done the laundering chore. But Eric's comment helped me put things in perspective, and I began to see how approaching that weekly task differently had simplified our lives.

houshold「家庭、世帯」   have difficulty 〜ing「〜するのに苦労する」   reduce「〜を減らす」   frequency「頻度、頻繁」   launder「〜を洗濯する」   linen「リンネル類(シャツ・テーブルクロス・シーツなど)」   fortunately「幸運にも」   stepson「継息子」   sage「賢い、賢明な」   drought「干ばつ」   force O to do「Oに〜することを強いる」   chore「雑用、家事」   put O in perspective「Oを大局的な視野でとらえる」   simplify「〜を簡単にする、〜を単純にする」

I grew up, as many of us did, in a household where we changed the sheets and towels every single week no matter what, so I had some difficulty reducing the frequency with which we laundered the linens.

as many of us did が挿入。as は様態を表し「〜のように」 did = grew up
no matter what = no matter what happened
have difficulty 〜ing「〜するのに苦労する」 


The drought forced us to change the way we had always done the laundering chore.

force O to do「Oに〜することを強いる、Oに無理やり〜させる」


I began to see how approaching that weekly task differently had simplified our lives.

how 以下が名詞節。approaching that weekly task differently が主部。



