
  After leaving school Dahl travelled extensively and in 1934 joined the multi-national oil company Shell. He worked both in London and in East Africa. On the outbreak of war he joined the Royal Air Force and was based in Nairobi, Kenya, eventually joining a fighter squadron in Libya in North Africa. It was while flying with this squadron, during which time he fought as a pilot in Syria and Greece, that he was severely wounded. In 1942 he went to Washington where he worked in the Embassy. He was subsequently transferred to Intelligence work. It was in Washington that he began to write his first short stories.

extensively「広範囲に、広く」   multi(-)national「多国籍(企業)の」   outbreak「発生、勃発」   Royal Air Force「英国空軍」   be based「(〜に)配置される」   eventually「最終的に、結局、ついに」   squadron「飛行中隊」   severely「激しく、ひどく」   be wounded「負傷する」  embassy「大使館」   subsequently「その後」   transfer「〜を移動させる、〜を転任させる」   intelligence「諜報機関」

After leaving school Dahl travelled extensively

After leaving 〜 は、接続し付きの分詞構文で、
= After he left 〜 です。

was based in Nairobi, Kenya, eventually joining a fighter squadron in Libya in North Africa.

joining が分詞構文であり、「…、そして〜」という「動作や出来事が連続する様子」を表しています。

It was while flying with this squadron, during which time he fought as a pilot in Syria and Greece, that he was severely wounded.

It is 〜 that の強調構文であり、
while 〜 Greece の部分が強調されています。

while flying は、接続詞つきの分詞構文。
, during which time = and during the time


It was in Washington that he began to write his first short stories.

この文も It is 〜 that の強調構文です。



