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  I have seen a boy of two years old, who had been kept in London, taken out for the first time to walk in green country. The season was winter, and everything was wet and muddy. (1) To the adult eye there was nothing to cause delight, but in the boy there sprang up a strange ecstasy; he kneeled in the wet ground and put his face in the grass, and gave utterance to half-articulate cries of delight. The joy that he was experiencing was primitive, simple and massive. The organic need that was being satisfied is so profound that those in whom it is starved are seldom completely sane. (2) Many pleasures, of which we may take gambling as a good example, have in them no element of this contact with Earth.

green「草木に覆われた、青々とした」   country「田舎、田園、土地」   muddy「ぬかるみの、泥だらけの」   cause「〜を引き起こす」   delight「喜び」   spring up「生じる、突然現れる」   ecstasy「恍惚、歓喜」   kneel「ひざまずく」   grass「草」   give utterance to O「Oを口[言葉]に出す」   half-「不完全な」   articulate「(言葉が)はっきりとした、明瞭な」   primitive「素朴な、原始的な」   massive「大量の、大規模の」   organic「生物の」   need「欲求、生理的要求」   profound「深い、甚大な、重大な、重要な」   starve「〜を飢えさせる」   seldom「めったに〜ない」   completely「完全に」   sane「正気の」   gambling「ギャンブル」   element「要素」   contact「接触」 

I have seen a boy of two years old, who had been kept in London, taken out for the first time to walk in green country.

see O p.p 「Oが〜されるのを見る」の間に、who had been kept in London, という節が挿入されたものです。


there is 文
in the boy there sprang up a strange ecstasy;

there is 文の変形と捉えられます。be動詞の変わりに、一般動詞が来たものです。
主語は、a strange ecstasy で、動詞は、sprang up です。


gave utterance to half-articulate cries of delight.

give utterance to O 「Oを口[言葉]に出す」




進行形、so 〜 that、those、関係詞
The organic need that was being satisfied is so profound that those in whom it is starved are seldom completely sane.

was being satisfied 「満足させられつつあった」
those は、「人」という意味。
it = organic need 「生物の生理的欲求」

those in whom it is starved を直訳すると以下のようになります。




Many pleasures, of which we may take gambling as a good example, have in them no element of this contact with Earth.

of which we may take gambling as a good example, 関係代名詞 which の非制限用法であり、which = many pleasures です。

have の目的語である no element of this contact with Earth が長いので後ろに移動させられ、in them が前に来ています。 them = many pleasures



