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  Whenever there is more than one variety of a particular language, questions arise as to whether one is somehow better or more correct than another. From the point of view of modern linguistics, it makes no more sense to say that one variety of English is better than another than it does to say that the grammer of English is better (or worse) than the grammer of Thai.

variety「(同類のものの中の)種類、変種」   particular「特定の」   arise「現れる、生じる」   as to 〜「〜について」   somehow「どういうわけか」   correct「正しい、正確な」   point of view「観点、見方」   linguistic「言語学」   make sense「意味をなす、道理にかなう」   grammer「文法」

比較 no more 〜 than …、形式主語
it makes no more sense to say that one variety of English is better than another than it does to say that the grammer of English is better (or worse) than the grammer of Thai.

no more A than B

A = it makes sense to say that one variety of English is
                            better than another

B = it does (=makes sense) to say that the grammer of English
            is better (or worse) than the grammer of Thai

です。 does は代動詞で =makes sense です。


