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  Any adult who interacts with a child, any traveler who visits other culture groups, any historian who studies beliefs and attitudes of the past immediately becomes aware that others might not interpret the world as she or he does. Even peers from the same culture are confronted with these issues, such as when communication fails or when one person misunderstands another.

interact「ふれあう、相互に作用する」   study「〜を研究する」   belief「考え、信念、意見」   attitude「態度、姿勢、感じ方・考え方」   immediately「即座に」   interpret「〜を解釈する」   peer「仲間」   confront「〜に直面させる」   issue「問題」   such as 〜「例えば〜のような」   misunderstand「〜を誤解する」

Any adult who interacts with a child, any traveler who visits other culture groups, any historian who studies beliefs and attitudes of the past immediately becomes aware that others might not interpret the world as she or he does.

Any adult who interacts with a child,
any traveler who visits other culture groups,
any historian who studies beliefs and attitudes of the past


as she or he does この as は様態「〜のように」を表しており、does は代動詞で、= interprets the world です。




