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  Humor and laughter are also tremendously important in relationships. Sharing a good laugh with someone does wonders. A friend of mine once told me that (1)when she and her husband were having a disagreement, he made a face which struck her as so comical that she burst into laughing. They then both realized how silly they were being and so were able to share a laugh and resolve their conflict with a new perspective. As Victor Borge said, (2)"Laughter is the closest distance between two people."

laughter「笑い」  tremendously「とても、非常に、ものすごく」  relationship「関係、かかわり合い、つきあい」  wonder「驚くべきこと、すばらしいこと」 do wonders「驚くべき効果を生じる、よい結果を生じる」 once「かつて」  disagreement「意見の相違、不和」  make a face「顔をしかめる、妙な顔をする」 burst into A「Aを突然始める」 realize「〜をさとる」  silly「ばかな、愚かな」  resolve「〜を解決する」  conflict「論争、口論、対立」 perspective「バランスの取れた見方、観点」 

so 〜 that
he made a face which struck her as so comical that she burst into laughing.

so 〜 that … 「非常に〜なので…、…なほど〜
strike O as COにCという感じを与える
make a face 「顔をしかめる、妙な顔をする」 
burst into A 「Aを突然始める


They then both realized how silly they were being and so were able to share a laugh and resolve their conflict with a new perspective.  の構造は

They then both realized how silly they were being
      and so
    were able to share a laugh
            resolve their conflict with a new perspective.


