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  A couple of days after Nepal's crown prince gunned down several members of the royal family ― including his parents ― in a drunken rage before shooting himself, an American friend phoned me at my California home. "Isn't that a shame," she exclaimed. "It never would have happened if the king and queen hadn't been pushing that poor guy towards an arranged marrige. What a barbaric custom!"
  Obviously, the incident had struck a chord with American readers. Perhaps it was because the story had all the ingredients of a modern day Romeo-and-Juliet tale: a passionate prince; his beautiful sweetheart who is considered unworthy by his family: the authoritarian parents who threaten to disown their son should he go against their wishes and marry the person he loves. People in Nepal might still be wondering if other causes might be responsible for the crime. But, in the United States, popular opinion seems quite clear on the matter: it is all the fault of that antiquated, tyrannical institution, the arranged marrige.

a couple of 〜「2,3の〜、幾つかの〜」  crown prince「皇太子」  gun down「〜を銃で撃つ、〜を撃ち殺す」 royal family「王室、王族」 include「〜を含む」  drunken「酔っ払った」 rage「激怒」  phone「〜に電話をする」 shame「残念なこと、ひどいこと」  exclaim「声を大にして言う、叫ぶ」  guy「男、人」 arranged marriage「見合い結婚」 barbaric「野蛮な、未開の」  custom「習慣、風習」 obviously「明らかに」 incident「出来事」  chord「(楽器の)弦」 strike a chord with A「Aの共感を得る」 ingredient「材料、構成要素」  tale「話、物語」  passionate「情熱的な」  sweetheart「恋人」  unworthy「ふさわしくない、値しない」  authoritarian「権威主義的な」  threaten「おどす」  disown「〜を勘当する」  wonder if 〜「〜かどうかと疑問に思う」 be responsible for A「Aに責任がある、Aの原因である」 cause「原因」  crime「犯罪」  opinion「意見」  matter「事」  fault「過失、責任、罪」  antiquated「時代遅れの」 tyrannical「専制的な、横暴な」 institution「制度、慣習」 

It never would have happened if the king and queen hadn't been pushing that poor guy towards an arranged marrige.

If + had +p.p 〜, S 助動詞の過去形 + have + p.p なので過去の事柄に対する仮定を表しています。


the authoritarian parents who threaten to disown their son should he go against their wishes and marry the person he loves

If S should 〜, 「万一〜なら、」
should S 〜 = If S should 〜, 「万一〜なら、」


Perhaps it was because the story had all the ingredients of a modern day Romeo-and-Juliet tale: a passionate prince; his beautiful sweetheart who is considered unworthy by his family: the authoritarian parents who threaten to disown their son should he go against their wishes and marry the person he loves.

all the ingredient の具体的内容が、:(コロン)以下で示されています。
a passionate prince
his beautiful sweetheart who 〜
the authoritarian parents who 〜


popular opinion seems quite clear on the matter: it is all the fault of that antiquated, tyrannical institution, the arranged marrige.

popular opinion の具体的内容が、:(コロン)以下で示されていて、また

that antiquated, tyrannical institution と the arranged marrige が同格になっています。



