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  In a perfectly obvious sense, over the last four hundred years or so there has been progress in science. Measurement of physical quantities becomes more precise, previously unknown particles and substances are discovered, new effects are produced and applied. Even if the ancients were wiser than us, and knew better how to live, they did not know the speed of light or the mass of the earth or the structure of the hydrogen atom or how to produce and apply lasers. And we know now that, despite the brilliance of many of the observations, most of the theories of the universe described in Aristotle's writings are quite simply false. The earth is not the center of the universe, nor do heavy bodies seek the center of the earth as their natural resting-place, nor is the earth surrounded by series of circles on which the other heavenly bodies revolve.
  There is a striking contrast here between the development of modern science and the arts. No one would say of a work of music or literature that it was better than an earlier work just because it was later.

obvious 「明らかな」   sense 「意味」   progress 「進歩」   measurement 「測定」   physical 「物理的な、物質の」   quantity 「量」   precise 「正確な」   previously 「以前に」   particle 「微粒子」   substance 「物質」   effect 「効果、効能」   apply 「〜を利用する、〜を応用する」   ancient 「古代の人」   mass 「かさ、大きさ」   structure 「構造」  hydrogen 「水素」   atom 「原子」   laser 「レーザー」   despite 「〜にもかからわず」   brilliance 「輝き、卓越」   observation 「観察」   theory 「理論」   describe 「〜を描写する、〜を述べる」   false 「誤った」   body 「物体、物質」   seek 「〜を求める」   resting-place 「休憩所、落ち着く場所」   sorround 「〜を囲む」   heavenly body 「天体」   revolve 「回転する」   striking 「目立つ、顕著な」   contrast 「相違、対比」   work 「作品」   literature 「文学」

And we know now that, despite the brilliance of many of the observations, most of the theories of the universe described in Aristotle's writings are quite simply false.
太字の部分 despite the brilliance of many of the observations 「その観察の多くの素晴らしさにもかかわらず」が挿入。

The earth is not the center of the universe, nor do heavy bodies seek the center of the earth as their natural resting-place, nor is the earth surrounded by series of circles on which the other heavenly bodies revolve.
nor の後に倒置が起きています。
[ nor + 疑問文の語順 ] になっています。「〜も…ではない」という意味を表します。

circles on which the other heavenly bodies revolve の[ 前置詞+関係代名詞 ] に注意。
the other heavenly bodies revolve on circles 「他の天体は環の上を回る」が元。

No one would say of a work of music or literature that it was better than an earlier work just because it was later.
of ≒ about 「〜について」
a work は、music, literature 両方にかかる。
just because 「ただ単に〜という理由で」


