代名詞 info


  The discovery of Australia has a background as romantic as that of any other part of the southern Pacific seas. Related as so much of it is with the voyages of the great explorer, Captain James Cook, it never fails to stir up inspirting thoughts in the people of Australia. 単語・熟語 discovery「発見」   ba...
   Whether changes put the language system into disorder or repair it, the most important point is this: (1) it is natural for language to change, and this is not unique to humans. In fact, there are some surprising parallels (2) between humans and humpback whales. Recent research on the language of...
  The third discipline is the one most people mean when they speak of disipline ― the Discipline of Superior Force, of sergeant to private, of "you do what I tell you or I'll make you wish you had." There is bound to be some of this in a child's life. Living as we do sorrounded by things that can hu...
  Bertrand Russell, who did not believe in God, was once asked what he would do if, following his death, he were to encounter God after all. Russell is supposed to have answered, "I'll ask him: God Almighty, why did you give so little evidence of your existence?" Certainly the awful world in which w...
   However, if you are to grew, you need to recognize these feelings, and, as much as you are able, put them on a shelf for a bit. Only that effort will enable you to listen carefully when others offer arguments that threaten or violate your current beliefs. This openness is important becasue many o...
  We know that the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain have different cognitive capacities. These can lead to asymmetries in behaviour and in the way in which we interpret the world. Many studies suggest that the right hemisphere of the brain is more involved in the perception of emotion and in it...
  In a general way, audiences in smaller cities do not give him as much applause as do those in larger places and he believes the reason is that smaller cities are more likely to have (1) an unacknowleded inferiority sense. Nobody in the audience would admit even to himself that his own town isn't j...
  There are plenty of people who worry about language change. England seems to be full of people who write to the newspapers and the BBC complaining about the way in which the language is becoming corrupt, without appearing to realize that the way they speak themselves is the result of thousands of ...
   Two interesting books that have different points of view about animals were published this summer. (1) The author of one takes the position that every animal is an individual who should no more be subject to ownership than should one human by another. The author of the second would disagree. He l...
   Federal efforts during the past ten years to deal with rising tuition have done little to help low-income families. Both the Clinton and the George W. Bush Administrations introduced tax reductions and other programs to encourage families to set aside money for college. These programs largely ben...
  There are many writing systems in the world. English is written in the Latin alphabet, Arabic in the Arabic script, Japanese in the mixed characters of Chinese system and its own invented ones, and so on. 単語 writing system「筆記体系、文字体系」  Latin「ラテン語(の)」  Arabic「アラビア語(の)」  script「筆記文字、草書体活字」  character...
