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   Culture is not necessarily rooted in biology. That is, culture is not race. Two people of the same race can either share the same values and behaviors ― that is, culture ― or they can be very dissimilar in their cultural values and behaviors. Now, it is true that people of the same racial heritage in general may share the same socialization processes and may be enculturated in similar ways. (1) Thus, we may speak of an African-American culture or a Japanese culture. But, it is also true that there need not be a one-to-one correspondence between race and culture. (2) Just because one is born into a certain race, it does not necessarily mean that one adopts the typical thinking and behavior of that race.

be rooted in「〜に根付いている、〜にしっかり定着している」   biology「生物学」   that is「つまり、すなわち」   race「人種」   value「価値(観)」   behavior「行動、振る舞い」   dissimilar「似ていない、異なる」   heritage「遺産」   in general「一般に」   socialization「社会化(社会性を獲得する過程)」   enculturate「〜を文化に適応させる、〜を社会のしきたりに適応させる」   similar「類似の、同様の」   thus「このように」   correspandence「一致、対応」   certain「ある」   adopt「〜を採用する、〜を身につける」    typical「典型的な」   

Culture is not necessarily rooted in biology.

not necessarily 「必ずしも〜ない」という部分否定


Two people of the same race can either share the same values and behaviors ― that is, culture ― or they can be very dissimilar in their cultural values and behaviors.

either A or B「AかBのどちらか」
that is「つまり、すなわち」


Just because one is born into a certain race, it does not necessarily mean that one adopts the typical thinking and behavior of that race.

not 〜 because … 「…だからといって〜ではない」
not necessarily 「必ずしも〜ない」という部分否定
it は、前の節の内容を指しています。



