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   There have been other milestones. Tho police officers of my youth always seemed big, even huge, and of course they were older than I was. Then one day (1) they were suddenly neither. In fact, some were kids ― short kids at that. The day came when I suddenly realized that all the football players in the game I was watching were younger thanI was. They were just big kids. (2) With that milestone went the fantasy that someday, maybe, I too could be a football player.

milestone「画期的事件、重大時点」   youth「若い時」   huge「巨大な」   at that「その上、おまけに」   neither「どちらも〜でない」   ealize「〜を悟る」   fantasy「空想、幻想」   

they were suddenly neither.

= they were suddenly neither bigger nor older than I.

The day came when I suddenly realized that all the football players in the game I was watching were younger thanI was.

when 以下は、the day に掛かっています。
game と I の間に関係代名詞 which [that] が省略されています。


With that milestone went the fantasy that someday, maybe, I too could be a football player.

the fantasy が主語、that 以下が the fantasy と同格、went が動詞です。
the fantasy that someday, maybe, I too could be a football player



