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  In a general way, audiences in smaller cities do not give him as much applause as do those in larger places and he believes the reason is that smaller cities are more likely to have (1) an unacknowleded inferiority sense. Nobody in the audience would admit even to himself that his own town isn't just as good as any. Yet, my informant declares, the audience in a small city is inclined to imagine wrongly that (2) the lecturer doesn't amount to much or else he wouldn't have come there. Members of the audience actually doubt if their town is good enough for a first-class lecture. Half suspecting that the lecture isn't really good, naturally the audience isn't enthusiastic in its applause.

in a general way「一般に、概して」   applause「拍手喝采」   unacknowledged「気づかれない、認められていない」   inferiority「劣等」   admit「〜ということを認める」   informant「情報提供者」   declare「〜と断言する」   be inclined to do「〜する傾向がある、〜しがちである」   amount to A「Aに達する、Aになる」   much「たいしたこと、たいしたもの」   or else「そうでなければ」   doubt「〜を疑わしく思う、〜を疑う」   suspect「〜だと思う、〜ではないかと疑う」   enthusiastic「熱狂的な、熱心な」   

audiences in smaller cities do not give him as much applause as do those in larger places

those = audience
do = give

as の後ろで倒置が起きています。
= as audiences in larger places give です。


or else he wouldn't have come there

would have + p.p 「〜だっただろう」 という過去のことを回想する言い方です。


Half suspecting that the lecture isn't really good,

=Because the audience half suspect that the lecture 〜 good,



