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  We see famous people on magazine covers and on TV. They are often young and good-looking. But apart from that, why should they be famous? They have nothing special to say. These people have become "famous for being famous." Fame is not based on achievement any more. It is created by the media, and sold to us every day. In a society in which anyone can become famous, fame is an empty thing with little or no value.

good-looking「美しい、美貌の」   apart from 〜「〜を除けば、〜を除いて」   special「特別の」   fame「名声」   achievement「業績、功績」   not 〜 any more「もはや〜ない」   empty「からの、中身のない、空虚な」   value「価値」

It is created by the media, and sold to us every day.

It is created by the media,
   sold to us every day.

という構造ですね。created 、 sold という2つの過去分詞が並列になっています。


In a society in which anyone can become famous, fame is an empty thing with little or no value.

a society in which anyone can become famous は、下記の文がもとになっています。

anyone can become famous in a society.


fame is an empty thing with little or no value は、

fame is an empty thing with little
                  or   value

という構造で、little value or no value ということです。



