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  The third discipline is the one most people mean when they speak of disipline ― the Discipline of Superior Force, of sergeant to private, of "you do what I tell you or I'll make you wish you had." There is bound to be some of this in a child's life. Living as we do sorrounded by things that can hurt children, or that children can hurt, we cannot avoid it. We can't afford to let a small child find out from experience the danger of playing in a busy street, or of fooling wth the pots on the top of a stove, or of eating up the pills in the medicine cabinet. So, along with other precautions, we say to him, "Don't play in the street, or touch things on the stove, or go into the medicine cabinet, or I'll punish you." Between him and the danger too great for him to imagine we put a lesser danger, but one he can imagine and maybe therefore want to avoid. He can have no idea of what it would be like to be hit by a car, but he can imagine being shouted at, or spanked, or sent to his room.

discipline「しつけ」  superior「上位の」  sergeant「軍曹」  private「兵卒」  be bound to do「きっと〜する、〜する(である)にちがいない」 hurt「〜を傷つける」  can't affort to do「〜する余裕がない」  fool with「〜をいじくる、〜をもてあそぶ」 pot「鍋」 stove「レンジ、コンロ」 pill「錠剤」  cabinet「戸棚」 precaution「用心、予防策」  go into「(引き出し・机など)の中に手を入れる、の中を探る」 punish「〜を罰する」  shout「叫ぶ、怒鳴りつける」 spank「(子供のお尻など)を(罰として)たたく」 

The third discipline is the one most people mean when they speak of disipline
この one は、= discipline 「しつけ」です。

Between him and the danger too great for him to imagine we put a lesser danger, but one he can imagine and maybe therefore want to avoid.
この one は、= danger 「危険」です。

The third discipline is the one most people mean when they speak of disipline ― the Discipline of Superior Force, of sergeant to private, of "you do what I tell you or I'll make you wish you had."

― 以下は前の the one つまり、the dicipline(=the third dicipline) と同格になっていて、また
the Discipline of Superior Force
        of sergeant to private
      of "you do what I tell you or I'll make you wish you had."
of 以下がすべて、the Discipline にかかります。

"you do what I tell you or I'll make you wish you had."

Living as we do sorrounded by things that can hurt children, or that children can hurt, we cannot avoid it.
赤字の部分は、分詞構文の Living 〜, …. に様態を表す as が強調のために入ったもの。「なにしろ、〜なので、…」という意味になります。

We can't afford to let a small child find out from experience the danger of playing in a busy street, or of fooling wth the pots on the top of a stove, or of eating up the pills in the medicine cabinet. は、

let a small child find out が5文型で「小さな子供に〜を発見させる」
find out (from experience) the danger 「経験から危険を発見させる」
the danger of playing in a busy street,
       of fooling wth the pots on the top of a stove,
       of eating up the pills in the medicine cabinet.
of 以下がすべて the danger の内容を説明しており、the dange と of 以下が同格関係になっています。

too 〜 to、形容詞の後置修飾
Between him and the danger too great for him to imagine we put a lesser danger, but one he can imagine and maybe therefore want to avoid.
between A and B「AとBの間に」
Bの部分が、the danger too great for him to imagine であり、
名詞 the danger を too 〜が修飾。
too 〜 to …「…するにはあまりにも〜、あまりにも〜で…できない」なので、

He can have no idea of what it would be like to be hit by a car
what 以下が名詞節。
it は形式主語で、to be hit by a car を表す。

