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  When strangers meet they often have to decide where to sit or stand in relation to each other. This is not something that they need to discuss, nor is it something they need to consider consciously ― they don't, for example, have to ask themselves whether they should try to be friendly and stand close, or be formal and keep their distance. They simply assume a distance that "feel right" in those circumstances. What feels right to people depends to a very large extent on the culture to which they belong. When two individuals are members of the same culture the issue of how close they should stand seldom presents a problem. However, when they are from cultures with different ideas of proxemics, all kinds of problems can arise.

relation「関係」  consciously「意識的に」  assume「〜をとる」  circumstance「状況」  to a large estent 「大いに、大部分は」 issue「問題」  proxemics「接近空間論、近接学、プロクセミックス」 arise「生じる、現れる」

This is not something that they need to discuss, nor is it something they need to consider consciously

nor という否定語「〜も…ない」が文頭に出ているため、後ろが疑問文の語順になっています。


whether A or B 「AであるかBであるか」
ask themselves whether they should try to be friendly and stand close, or be formal and keep their distance


What feels right to people depends to a very large extent on the culture to which they belong.

depend on A 「Aに依存する、A次第である
depend on の間に
to a large estent 「大いに、大部分は」

to which they belong は、元になる文が
they belong to the culture 「彼らはその文化に属している」


the issue of how close they should stand
この of は同格を表しています。「〜という」意味を示します。



