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  In addition, it is the function of a dream to express a wish, but since the wishes of the unconscious are often highly instinctive in nature, they would be as disturbing to most modern persons as would the acts of a caveman in present-day society. Therefore, most dreams are disguised enough to conceal their true meaning from the dreamer. This is accomplished through the intervention of the conscience, a much more recently developed function of the brain. In psychoanalysis an effort to get the true meaning of the dream is made by having the dreamer give all his thoughts and feelings about every element of the dream.

in addition  「加えて」
function  「機能」
express 「〜を表現する」
wish   「願望、願い」
unconscious  「無意識、無意識の」
instinctive  「本能的な」
disturbing  「心をかき乱す、不安を生じさせる」
caveman  「穴居人」
therefore  「それゆえ、したがって」
disguise   「〜を変装させる、〜を偽装させる」
conceal   「〜を隠す」
accomplish  「〜を成し遂げる、〜を達成する」
intervention  「介在、介入」
conscience  「良心」
psychoanalysis  「精神分析」
effort   「努力、取組み」
thought  「思考、考え」
element  「要素」

they would be as disturbing to most modern persons as would the acts of a caveman in present-day society.

この文は as 〜 as … 「…と同じぐらい〜」の同等比較の文であり、as would the acts of a caveman in present-day society の部分に倒置が起きています。書き換えると

as the acts of a caveman in present-day society would (disturbing to most modern persons)


the intervention of the conscience, a much more recently developed function of the brain

the intervention of the conscience に、a much more recently developed function of the brain が説明を加えています。

an effort to get the true meaning of the dream

to get the true meaning of the dream が、 an effort の内容を示しています(不定詞の形容詞的用法)

having the dreamer give all his thoughts and feelings
have O do  「Oに〜させる、Oに〜してもらう」

