準動詞 info
- 動名詞1
- 1.By ( ) on the engine, he thought he could learn how it worked. (追手門学院大学・経) a work b works c working d worked 2.Instead of ( )...
- 続きを読む
- 動名詞2
- 1.The car isn't worth ( ). (中部大学・工) (ア) of repairing (イ) repair (ウ) repairing (エ) to repair 2.An old man who studied English among young ...
- 続きを読む
- 動名詞3
- 1.She always enjoys ( ) novels at home. (大阪経済大学・経) a.to read b.read c.reading d.reads 2.Would you mind ( ) the door and the windows,...
- 続きを読む
- 不定詞1
- 1.Do you know ( ) use the Internet? (浜松大学・経営情報) ?@ the way of ?A for ?B the method of ?C how to 2.とてものどが渇きました。何か冷たい飲み物がほしい。 (帝京大学・経)...
- 続きを読む
- 不定詞2
- 1.In general, when you take care of puppies, you have to ( ) them well. (中部大・国際関係) (ア) feed (イ) feeds (ウ) food (エ) foods 2.?@〜?Cのうちの1つに誤りがある...
- 続きを読む